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Information on the health emergency and the recovery


During the health emergency, Istat set out a series of actions to ensure the continuity and quality of statistical production even in a crisis situation.

The Institute adopted sustainable acquisition techniques for the collection of statistical data and put its expertise at the service of the country, introducing methodological solutions and innovations in the use of new data sources. Thanks to a significant investment in digitalisation, the production and dissemination of official statistics, essential for measuring the evolution of economy and society, have never stopped.

During the Covid-19 emergency, Istat concentrated its efforts on carrying out a series of thematic surveys to collect and make available to institutions, public decision-makers, households and businesses all the information needed to analyse the main effects of the health crisis on economy and society.

Istat is now ready to provide the necessary answers to support and monitor the recovery and build the future of the country.

This section contains all updated data on issues related to the emergency situation, information on the extraordinary measures implemented by the Institute for the continuation of surveys, activities and services.


Press release

In-depth analyses


Press release

Senate Act

  • Senate Act (summary) – The Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) aims at contributing with its data and analyses to the evaluation of the second Government decree dealing with the Covid-19 emergency (decreto-legge 17 marzo 2020, n. 18), which is currently under examination at the Senate Budget Commission – 25 March 2020.

In-depth analyses


  • 17 June 2020 – Press release – The Istat Press office staff in smart working until 31 July

Data are available upon request at the contact centre.
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