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Mortality of the resident population

This Report is produced jointly by Istat and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS). The aim is to provide an integrated reading of the epidemiological data of the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic and of the total mortality data collected and validated by Istat. The main results are presented at NUT3 level and at aggregation of provinces both referring to administrative level (regions, geographical areas) and referring to three identified classes on the basis of the degree of spread of the covid-19 epidemic in the provinces.

Total mortality data analysed in the report refers to the new Istat press realease; today Istat releases data of 6,866 municipalities (out of a total of 7,904, 87%) for which consolidation was possible for the first quarter of 2020 thanks also to the integration of population register sources (ANPR and municipalities) with the data of the Tax Register . The large database, relating to 86% of the resident population in Italy, allows to evaluate the effects of the impact of the spread of Covid-19 on mortality by gender and age, taking into account the increases of deaths for all the causes in the initial and fastest period of infection: the month of March 2020.