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Permanent census of population and housing

The second edition of the permanent census of the Population and Housing started in October 2019. Since October 2018 ISTAT has been yearly conducting a sample survey by collecting the main characteristics of Italian resident population and its social and economic conditions at national, regional and local levels.

The permanent census of Population and Housing does not involve anymore all Italian households, but only a sample of them every year: about 1,400,000 resident households located in 2,800 Italian municipalities.

Through integrating information from statistical sample surveys and data from administrative sources, the permanent census yearly provides data representing the entire population, while reducing costs and response burden. The gathered information plays a key role for policy makers, enterprises and institutions in planning programmes and projects, in identifying the services needed as well as in assessing policy developments.

The  second edition of the permanent census of the population and housing ended, having a large participation from Italian citizens, ended in December 2020. Through the use of administrative data, the data will be available by the end of 2020.