
Well being and sustainability

BES at local level

Bes at local level is a system of equitable and sustainable well-being indicators at small-regions level that are consistent with the national Bes measures. Istat issues Bes measures at local level to deepen the knowledge on the well-being distribution across Italy so to assess territorial inequalities in more detail.

To meet the statistical information needs of local communities, Istat designed Bes at local level in cooperation with local authorities, investigating the specific information needs of Italian Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities and tuning a shared theoretical framework.

Bes measures at local level maintain a high level of quality and consistency with the Bes indicators system and constantly follow the evolution of the Bes framework.

The two frameworks share a core of common and harmonized indicators. In addition, Bes at local level includes specific well-being indicators, concerning some issues that are related to responsibilities and functions of local authorities.

Bes measures at local level

  • Dataset Bes at local level 2024 edition
  • Dataset Bes at local level 2023 edition
  • Dataset Bes at local level 2022 edition
  • Dataset Bes at local level 2021 edition
  • Dataset Bes at local level 2020 edition

For more details please refer to the Italian version.