

Horizon 2020 Programme

Horizon 2020 (running from 2014 to 2020) is a EU research and innovation programme aimed at ensuring smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and create employment. It combines research with innovation and focuses on three key areas: scientific excellence, industrial leadership and societal challenges. The goal is to ensure that Europe produces world-class science and technology that can stimulate economic growth.

Responding to the call Supply and demand-oriented economic policies to boost robust growth in Europe – addressing the social and economic challenges in Europe within Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, GROWINPRO aims to provide a detailed analysis of the causes of the anaemic growth performance observed in Europe during the last decades and, in particular, after the Great Recession. The project, that started its activities on 01/01/2019 for a duration of 36 months, will deliver a set of policy solutions aimed at restoring sustained and inclusive economic growth with particular attention both on the demand and on the supply-side. To perform these activities a 14-partner Consortium, coordinated by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, has been set up that brings together researchers from eleven international academic institutions and three national statistical offices, among which Istat. The joint interaction between academic institutions and national statistical offices provides GROWINPRO with a focus on new data sources, methods and statistical indicators to address the challenges posed by the call.

GROWINPRO has two main ambitions. From a diagnostic perspective, it proposes to link three levels of analysis – macro, meso and micro – empirically dissecting the sources of productivity slowdown and the relations between productivity, demand and growth. From a normative perspective, it aims at providing a novel, integrated set of policies to push Europe towards a balanced, innovation-fuelled and inclusive trajectory of development, also addressing major societal challenges, such as climate change, ageing population, and robotization.

More in detail, the objectives of GROWINPRO can be summarized as follows:

  • Provide an extensive, multi-level analysis of the main determinants underlying the European slowdown in productivity growth with a specific focus on the impact of globalization and demographic change.
  • Evaluate the existing statistical measures and propose alternative indicators for productivity, intangible assets, global value chains and welfare.
  • Develop a new generation of macroeconomic models with empirical micro-foundations to evaluate the risks associated to secular stagnation and to test different supply- (e.g. innovation and industrial policies) and demand-side (fiscal and monetary policies) that should be able to restore inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Europe.
  • Propose to stakeholders and policy makers new statistical advances and models’ results and discuss their usefulness in capturing important aspects related to key societal challenges, which could be addressed by mission-oriented policies.
  • Identify and discuss with stakeholders and policymakers a new growth-enhancing policy agenda to jumpstart productivity, putting Europe back into a smooth and sustainable growth path.

Start date and duration
01/01/2019 – 36 months

Istat structures involved in the project’s activities are:

Department for statistical production (DIPS)
Division for data analysis and economic, social and environmental research (PSS)

Directorate for strategic planning, guidance of the national statistical system, institutional relations and international affairs (DCPS)
Division for international affairs (PSA)

Istat Scientific Staff: Fabio Bacchini, Stefano Costa, Stefano De Santis, Filippo Oropallo, Lorenzo Di Biagio

For further information visit the website:

The MAKSWELL  project (Making Sustainable development and wellL-being frameworks work for policy) started in November 2017 and will last 30 months all-together. It involves 8 partners belonging to 5 European countries coordinated by Istat, specifically 4 National Statistical Institutes members of the European Statistical System (Istat which is the leader, Statistics Netherlands, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany and Hungarian Central Statistical Office), 3 prestigious Universities (University of Pisa and its Dagum Center, University of Trier and University of Southampton) and a specialized institute as MIPA – Consorzio per lo sviluppo delle metodologie e delle innovazioni nelle pubbliche amministrazioni.

The project proposes to extend and harmonise the indicators able to capture the main characteristics of the beyond GDP approach proposing a new framework that includes them in the evaluation of the public policies.

The research activity aims at reaching three main objectives:

  • building up a database for a wide set of EU countries that selects and harmonizes the national framework on well-being as well as the available SDG indicators;
  • improving the database both in relation to the timeliness and to the integration with big data measures and the methodologies able to reach these extensions. In particular, through the use of new data sources (big data) new indicators should be defined to have a major extended geographical dimension able to define new survey domains;
  • using the extended database for policy evaluation at macro level and for building up two comprehensive pilot studies for Italy and Hungary.

The project aims also to create a shared knowledge of the state of the art relative to the relevant dimensions of sustainable development and the weaker groups of society, adopting, besides traditional sources, new data sources and collection methods in order to have more timely and more accurate statistics. Recommendations will be elaborated from the case studies. The activities will take advantage of the fruitful cooperation between the statistical institutes and academic research centers mentioned above as well as stakeholder participation through virtual work groups.

Moreover, another important project’s objective is to track future pathways for the 9th Framework Research Programme of the European Commission.

There are five Work Packages with a scientific character in which the project’s activity will be articulated; besides them, there is to mention the one which deals with the communication and dissemination aspects relative to the project (WP6) and the other which refers to the administrative and management sphere.

Istat structures involved in the project’s activities are:

Directorate for strategic planning, guidance of the national statistical system, institutional relations and international affairs (DCPS)
Division for international affairs (PSA)

Department for statistical production (DIPS)
Division for data analysis and economic, social and environmental research (PSS)
Directorate for social statistics and population census (DCSS)
Directorate for environmental and territorial statistics (DCAT)

Department for data collection and development of methods and technologies for the production and dissemination of statistical information (DIRM)
Directorate for methodology and statistical process design (DCME)

For further information:

UrbanWINS (Urban Metabolism Accounts for Building Waste Management Innovative Networks and Strategies) project is a research and innovation action funded by the Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 that will study how cities consume resources and products, and how they eliminate the waste produced, in order to develop and test innovative plans and solutions aimed at improving waste prevention and management.

The main object of the project is to analyse current strategies for waste prevention and management in a total of 24 cities and assess how they contribute towards resilience and resource efficiency. The project will follow the urban metabolism approach, in which cities are considered living organisms that use natural resources and create a flow of materials and energies. The results will be used to define objectives and indicators of the Strategic Plans for Waste Prevention and Management in the eight pilot cities.

Active participation from citizens, governments, organisations, suppliers, research institutes and educational centres is foreseen through physical and online urban agoras in the eight pilot cities located in Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain, where participants will share opinions, discuss ideas and plan solutions. In detail, in Italy the experimental phase will take place in the cities of Cremona, Torino, Albano Laziale and Pomezia – the other pilot cities are Bucharest, Leiria, Manresa, Sabadell

The participatory approach is an added value of UrbanWINS, as the vision of all relevant players for waste production and management at urban level will be taken into account to co-develop new strategies and co-test innovative solutions. Recommendations and tools will be transferable to other urban contexts. The final outcome of the project will be a toolkit for participatory and science-based decision-making and planning for waste management that can be applied in any public authority across Europe.

This three-year project is co-ordinated by the Municipality of Cremona, in partnership with 26 partners. Istat, as research public body gives its support to the research activity in a consortium made up also by universities, public administrations, IT centres, category and business associations, small enterprises, communication societies spread over 7 European countries. Other Italian organisations, besides Istat, are: Municipality of Torino, Metropolitan City of Roma Capitale, IUAV University in Venice, Fondazione Ecosistemi, Camera di Commercio Cremona, Linea Gestioni S.r.l., Marraiafura Comunicazione Srls.

The project workplan will be concluded in May 2019 with a duration of 36 months totally.

Istat structures involved are:

Directorate for strategic planning, guidance of the national statistical system, institutional relations and international affairs (DCPS)
Division for international affairs (PSA)
Department for statistical production (DIPS)
Directorate for environmental and territorial statistics (DCAT)
Directorate for national accounts (DCNN)

The research activity foresees the realization of the following main outputs:

  • awareness raising on limit of resources, wast prevention and management, and better understanding of the links between urban environmental resilience and quality of urban life;
  • lowering barriers for a circular economy by understanding waste as a resource;
  • strategic plans for urban waste prevention and management that are replicable;
  • progress towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns;
  • online toolkit with the experience of the 8 pilot cities enabling decision makers to improve their waste prevention and management policies.

For more information visit:

On 20 March 2017 the project launched the Urban Agoras a participative virtual community to share knowledge sharing and understanding and facilitate citizen and other stakeholder feedback into the project. The participation is essential to ensure the Innovative Waste Management Strategies are relevant, understood and accepted when implemented.

You can easily register here to actively participate in the online “UrbanWINS Agoras” which include governments, organizations, waste management solution providers, research institutes and educational centres. The online platform will include international activities and ideas and also connect to face-to-face workshops and local actions organized in eight pilot cities across Europe, where participants will share opinions, discuss ideas and collectively plan solutions.

Look at the video finalised for the conclusion of the project’s activities.

The project proDataMarket (Enabling the property Data Marketplace for Novel Data-driven Business Models), founded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme, is implemented by a consortium of 8 partners among which the Italian National Institute of Statistics. The consortium, coordinated by the Norwegian research centre SINTEF, is primarily formed by large companies (CERVED, EVRY, TRAGSA and SBYGG) ensuring high-impact business cases, one large data provider (ISTAT) who will provide data for the business cases, and technology providers (SINTEF, ONTO and SDATI – primarily SMEs) ensuring the technologies for the creation and maintenance of the data marketplace.

The main objective of the project is to create a data marketplace for property-related data and disrupt the property-related data market across Europe, demonstrating innovation across sectors where property-related data value chains are relevant, by leveraging and transferring technologies from the emerging Data-as-a-Service, Linked Data and Open Data domains.

More specifically, to achieve the main objective the following objectives are defined:

  1. integrate, host, and sustain a scalable data marketplace platform for multilingual property-related data (with capabilities for data integration, enrichment, interlinking, publication, hosting, as well as serving as a portal for property-related data discovery, exploration and visual analytics), and grow an ecosystem of 3rd party applications and data services;
  2. increase the revenues generated by an existing service to estimate the value of corporate real estate property portfolios “CERVED Cadastral Report Service (CCRS)”, by leveraging proDataMarket’s data and infrastructure.
  3. Mash-up several cross-sectorial datasets from the data marketplace to create an innovative on-line service, called “CERVED Scouting the Terrain Service (CST)”, to visually explore and analyse potential real estate investments and to analyse the marketing potential of a specific territory, targeting national and foreign companies wishing to invest in a given territory, with a focus on Italy. Evolve an existing service of Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) funds assignments (CAPAS) to farmers and land owners, by leveraging new cross-sectorial data sources from different geographical areas made available via the marketplace, and reach a reduction of incorrect CAP grants assignments by half in Spain. This reduction will be obtained due to a notification service that will alert about possible cases of fraud.
  4. Publish cross-sectorial data on the marketplace about Norwegian public properties and create a “State of the Estate” service (SoE) using the published data to assess and report the efficiency and sustainability of the government’s civil estate.
  5. Provide a risk and vulnerability analysis service (RVAS) based on integrated cross-sectorial property data published via the marketplace to support the risk and vulnerability analysis in the planning process of construction and maintenance projects for private and public entrepreneurs, government agencies, and interest organizations, with a focus on Norway.
  6. Provide a mobile application and associated service (SIM) targeting mobile workers in property development in Norway, with the purpose of reducing damage to subterranean infrastructures due to poor or unavailable data – by combining subterranean infrastructure data with property data published on the marketplace.
  7. Improve the data collection process for documenting building permits requests in Norway by providing a mobile application and associated service (NNAS) for collecting buildings design data and integrating them with property data made available via the marketplace.

30 months (01/03/2015 – 31/08/2017)

For further information: