

Quality framework

Istat endorses the reference framework of the European Statistical System, adopting its guidelines, definitions, recommendations and standards.

European statistics code of practice

The European Statistics Code of Practice is a self-regulatory instrument and is based on 16 principles covering the institutional environment, statistical processes and outputs. A set of indicators of best practices and standards for each of the principles provides guidance and reference for reviewing the implementation of the Code of Practice.

ESS Quality Assurance Framework

The European Statistics Code of Practice is accompanied by the ESS Quality Assurance Framework, suggesting methods and tools to adhere to the principles of the Code.

Peer Reviews

Peer Reviews are carried out about every 5 years to assess the compliance of Istat and the other National Authorities producing European statistics with the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice.

Italian Code of Official Statistics

In 2021 a new version of the Italian Code of Official Statistics was approved by the Committee for Directing and Coordinating Statistical Information (COMSTAT). The Code is based on the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice, and it is aligned with its latest version. It represents an essential benchmark for the governance of the National Statistical System and testifies to the strong commitment to ensuring the quality of official statistics. addressed to Italian Statistical System Bodies that do not produce European Statistics (not-ONAs). A previous version of the Code had already been approved in 2010.

Quality dimensions

Istat has adopted the Eurostat quality definition which identifies the following main attributes (or quality criteria), also defined in Regulation Ec No 223/2009:

  • relevance
  • accuracy
  • timeliness and punctuality
  • accessibility and clarity
  • consistency and comparability
European statistical law

Regulation Ec No 223/2009 on European statistics, as amended by Regulation (Eu) 2015/759, introduces the quality criteria and specifies that the purpose of the European Statistics Code of Practice is to build trust in statistics by establishing how they are to be developed, produced and disseminated.