
International relations

Moldova: support the National Bureau of Statistics

BUDGET: € 1.799.900

The project focuses on the following topics:

  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of the NBS for efficient and effective development of national statistics
  • Alignment of statistical products and services with quality standards
  • Harmonisation of statistical production with the EU acquis in statistics
  • CT modernisation and the development of an integrated information system covering the whole statistical process
  • Visibility/Publicity

Overall objective. Strengthening of the capabilities of the National Bureau of Statistics for the effective approximation to EU norms and standards, in line with Chapter 6 of the Association Agreement, including the systematic production of gender and age disaggregated data, wherever appropriate.

Specific objective. To strengthen the National Bureau of Statistics’ coordinating role of the National Statistical System and its capacity to access and use administrative registers and other data sources of Moldovan institutions for statistical purposes, aiming at enhancing public trust, high quality and accurateness of data provided and processed; o promote harmonisation of statistics in line with the EU and international standards, by enabling the efficient and effective production, analysis and dissemination of official statistics, following best practices as implemented in the European Statistical System by adopting new technologies and methods for data collection and processing.

An EU funded Project implemented by the Italian Geographical Society (URS SGI), in consortium with:

  • The Italian National Institute of Statistics
  • Statistics Denmark
  • Statistics Poland

The final beneficiary of the project is the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. Through the successful implementation of the project, other beneficiaries will be Moldovan policy makers, the public administration and the academia as well as international organisations, and the citizens at large, which will all benefit from the ultimate aim of the availability of more reliable and timely statistical data.

General documentation

The project is in the starting phase. Documentation will be uploaded as soon as available.

Milena Grassia – Project Manager
ph. +39 06 46732495

Roberta Fontana
ph. +39 06 4673 2753