
International relations

Kenya: Support to the implementation of 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census

BUDGET: € 247.450

The project focuses on the following topics:

  • Aim of the project is to support the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) in disseminating the 2019 Population Census data, with a focus on:
  • Dissemination of geo-spatial data: drafting the “traditional” Census Atlas and developing an Interactive Census Atlas
  • On-line data dissemination: development of a web-based dissemination system

Overall objective. To contribute to the improvement of the statistical information available in Kenya, that is essential to support the social, economic and demographic development processes, through the implementation of the 8th Population and Housing Census

Specific objective. To provide Kenya with comprehensive and reliable statistical information on the demographic, economic and social situation at national, regional and local levels, which will support the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of the socio-economic development programmes in the Country.

Component 1: Increased capacity to generate publishing products and other tools for presenting geospatial data

Component 2: Increased capacity to make the data census table and related metadata available on-line

Component 3: Increased capacity to develop special audience and general interest products, to address the needs of different stakeholder groups

The direct beneficiary is the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

Indirect beneficiaries will be key institutional data producers and users, Ministries, Departments, Agencies, other local Government authorities, universities and researchers, civil society as a whole. In a wider perspective, the whole country will benefit from the project, as government policies based on reliable statistical data would allow to better guide and evaluate the social and economic development of the country.

Milena Grassia – Project Manager
ph. +39 06 4673 2495

Claudio Quaresima – Project Assistant
ph. +39 06/46734260

Pina Grazia Ticca – Coordinator Component 1
ph. +39 06/46734890

Vincenzo Patruno – Coordinator Component 2
ph. +39 06/46735629

Mauro Bruno – Coordinator Component 3
ph. +39 06/46734345