

Experimental statistic: Municipal demographic projections

Demographic projections aim to study the probable future of a population in terms of total size and structural components. This kind of product is used […]
Reference period: January 1st, 2022-2042
28 September 2023

Population and households projections

Italy tomorrow: a smaller, more heterogeneous population with more differences. The new projections of the country’s demographic future, updated to 2022, return trends that are […]
Reference period: Base 1 January 2022
31 May 2023

Integration of the second generation: public use micro

In 2021 ISTAT carried out the survey “Children and young people: behavior, attitudes, and future projects” with the support of the Ministry of Education. The […]
Reference period: Year 2021
31 May 2023

Integration of the second generation: microdata for research purposes

In 2021 ISTAT carried out the survey “Children and young people: behavior, attitudes, and future projects” with the support of the Ministry of Education. The […]
Reference period: Year 2021
22 September 2022

Households and population projections

Fewer residents, more elderly, smaller families Latest population projections, updated to 2021, confirm the presence of a potential crisis scenario. A decreasing population: from 59.2 […]
Reference period: Base 1/1/2021
26 November 2021

Households and population projections

Fewer residents, more elderly, smaller families A decreasing population: from 59.6 million as of January 1, 2020 to 58 million in 2030, to 54.1 million […]
Reference period: Base 1/1/2020
27 October 2021

Demography of Europe - Statistics Visualized - 2021 Edition

Available formats: WEB PUBLICATION | pdf version  Edition: 2021 Released by Eurostat ISBN 978-92-76-37873-0 ISSN 2600-3368 doi:10.2785/428873 Demographic statistics are popular and importat data for almost […]
15 June 2021

Immigrants supply of personal services

Workshop online 15 June 2021 Hrs 16.00 A large number of migrants provide personal services that substitute or complement household members’ time in domestic production. […]
21 May 2020

Registration and deregistration of the resident population

Deregistration from the population register of the resident population to foreign countries (emigrations) accounted for 157 thousand in 2018, an increase to 2017 (+ 1.2%). […]
Reference period: Year 2018