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Population and household projections – Base 1/1/2023

The new projections on the country’s demographic future, updated to 2023, show trends whose direction seems irreversible, albeit in a context in which there is no lack of uncertainty. The resident population is decreasing: from around 59 million on 1 January 2023 to 58.6 mln in 2030, 54.8 mln in 2050 and 46.1 mln in 2080.

The ratio of working-age individuals (15-64 years) to non-working-age individuals (0-14 and 65 years and over) will increase from about three to two in 2023 to about one to one in 2050.

With an average age of 51.5 years by 2050 (50.8 for Italy), there will be a faster ageing process in the South.

About one million more families in twenty years, but more fragmented. Fewer couples with children, more couples without: by 2043 less than one in four families will be composed of a couple with children, more than one in five will have none.