

16 November 2023

Road Accidents

According to the preliminary estimates January-June 2023, in respect of the same period of 2022, a slight decrease for road accidents resulting in death or […]

Experimental statistic: Municipal demographic projections

Demographic projections aim to study the probable future of a population in terms of total size and structural components. This kind of product is used […]
Reference period: January 1st, 2022-2042
28 September 2023

Population and households projections

Italy tomorrow: a smaller, more heterogeneous population with more differences. The new projections of the country’s demographic future, updated to 2022, return trends that are […]
Reference period: Base 1 January 2022
25 July 2023

Road accidents 2022

During the year 2022, occurs a clear recovery in mobility and, as a consequence, in road accidents too, after the years in which the pandemic […]
Reference period: Year 2022
1 July 2023

Road accidents resulting in death or injury

The “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in deaths (within the 30th day) or injuries, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the […]
Reference period: Years 2010-2022
1 July 2023

Survey on road accidents resulting in death or injury: public use micro

The “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in deaths (within the 30th day) or injuries, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the […]
Reference period: Years 2010-2022
18 November 2022

Road accidents - Preliminary estimates - January/June 2022

The first semester 2022 is characterized by a clear recovery in mobility and, as a consequence, of road accidents, after the years in which the […]
Reference period: January - June 2022