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BES in the Economic and Financial Document

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Since 2017, a subset of 12 indicators from the framework for measuring Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being (BES) has become part of the economic planning cycle, as provided for in Law No. 163 of 4 August 2016.

The 12 indicators related to 8 of the 12 domains of the BES Project were identified by a high level committee, from the set of 130 indicators in the 2015 BES Report.

Istat provides the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) the updates of the 12 equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, mainly based on final data but also, when it was necessary to ensure timeliness, based on provisional data and ad hoc estimate models.

The indicators are analyzed in two stages of the economic and financial planning cycle, through two annual documents prepared by MEF, based on data provided by Istat:

  • the first is the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the Economic and Financial Document (DEF) in which the MEF analyzes the trend in the last three years of the Bes indicators and make forecasts on their evolution in the following three years, based on the impact of public policies;
  • the second is the Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, to be submitted to the to the Italian Parliament by February 15 of each year, on the evolution of the trend of BES indicators, based on the effects determined by the Budget Law for the current three-year period.

2024 Report on BES indicators

The latest document prepared by the Mef is the 2024 Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, presented to the Italian Parliament, on 6 March 2024.

Mef analyzed the trends of 12 indicators up to 2022 and, based on the effects of the 2024 Budget Law, provided forecasts for the period 2023-2026 for 8 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training). In addition, the forecast of an indicator of civil justice efficiency was provided: the disposition time.

The paper also contains five focuses:

  • Government expenditure from a gender perspective and sustainable development goals.
  • Update of the methodology for estimating absolute poverty
  • Complementary labour market indicators: labour market slack versus TMP
  • The Kaya identity for the decomposition of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Illegal building and land consumption: a preliminary analysis

For this publication Istat provided the 2022 updates of the complete set of the 12 equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, mainly based on final data but also, when it was necessary to ensure timeliness, based on provisional data and ad hoc estimate models.

Annex to the 2023 DEF and 2023 Report on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2023 Def, released on 17 April 2023, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2022 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2023 Def, provided forecasts for the period 2023-2026 for 8 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training). In addition the forecast of an indicator of civil justice efficiency was provided: the disposition time.

The paper also contains two focuses:

  • The potential distributional effects of natural gas and electricity social bonuses for households in 2023;
  • The evolution of the electricity sector’s generation mix in recent years.

In the 2023 Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, presented to the Italian Parliament, on 2 March 2023, Mef analyzed the trends of 12 indicators up to 2021 and, based on the effects of the 2023 Budget Law, provided forecasts for the period 2022-2025 for 8 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training). In addition, for the first time, the forecast of an indicator of civil justice efficiency was provided: the disposition time.

The document also contains three focuses:

  • The dynamics of consumer prices in Italy in 2022;
  • The continuation of the energy crisis and the measures of the Budget Law 2023-2025;
  • The distributional effects of energy price increases: a simulation exercise with and without policy interventions.

Annex to the 2022 DEF and 2022 Report on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2022 DEF, released on 23 May 2022, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2021 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2022 Def, provided forecasts for the period 2022-2025 for 9 of them (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training and Ratio of employment rate for women aged 25-49 with at least one child aged 0-5 to the employment rate of women 25-49 years without children).

In the 2022 Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, presented to the Italian Parliament on 7 March 2022, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2020 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2022 Budget Law and the PNRR Funds, provided forecasts for the period 2021-2024 for 8 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2and other greenhouse gases, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training).

The document also contains two methodological analysis on the forecast models for Absolute Poverty and Early leavers from education and training and three in-depth analysis on:

  • measures adopted in 2021 and January 2022 to contain the impact of the increase in costs energy on household income and businesses;
  • citizenship Income and emergency income as income support measures;
  • perceived good health in EU countries in 2020 using EU-SILC survey.

Annex to the 2021 DEF and 2021 Report on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2021 DEF, released on 5 May 2021, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2020 and, based on the measures taken by the government in the months following the start of the pandemic, provided forecasts for the period 2021-2024 for 4 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases) and, for the first time, the forecast of the Overweight or obesity indicator.

The document contains a qualitative assessment of the measures (investments and reforms) envisaged in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, approved by Parliament on 27 April 2021, aimed at tracking possible impacts on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators. The document also contains two focuses: Simulation of the effects of the pandemic from Covid-19 on absolute poverty; Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 and the new criteria for classification of the employed. And an annex on the forecasting model of excess weight.

In the 2021 Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators, presented to Parliament on 11 March 2021, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2019 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2021 Budget Law, provided forecasts for the period 2020-2023 for 5 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Healthy life expectancy at birth). The Report also presents some insights on Citizenship Income in 2019-2020, on the main characteristics of the ISTAT Survey “Aspects of daily life”, on interventions to deal with the health emergency in the context of judicial activity, together with specific analyzes of data collected at regional level for 8 of the 12 indicators.

There are also 4 annexes:

  • The measures of the Budget Law 2021;
  • The forecast model of absolute poverty;
  • The forecast model of healthy life expectancy at birth;
  • Low-emission vehicle registrations in Italy: national incentives, European and Italian standards.

Annex to the 2020 DEF and 2020 Report on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2020 DEF released on 9 July 2020, the Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2019 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2020 Def, provided forecasts for the 2020-2021 period for 3 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases).

The Annex describes the measures introduced to counter the health emergency following the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic and other interventions following the 2020 Budget Law that are deemed relevant to the indicators of equitable and sustainable well-being.

The Annex contains three focuses: The Employee Tax Reduction Act, The Relaunch Decree Law, The Milleproroghe Law, and three methodological insights: Excess Weight, Early leavers from the education and training, and ratio of employment rate for women aged 25-49 with at least one child aged 0-5 to the employment rate of women 25-49 years without children.

In the 2020 Report on Equitable and Sustainable well-being Indicators, presented to Parliament on 18 February 2020, Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2018 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2020 Budget Law, provided forecasts for 2019-2022 of the 4 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases) and, for the first time, the forecast of the Healthy life expectancy at birth indicator.

The Report also presents an impact assessment of the Citizenship Income on the absolute family poverty index for 2018. Finally, the Report presents three focuses (The Green New Deal, The Sugar tax, Measures for families and the disabled) and a focus on the Length of civil proceedings indicator.

Annex to the 2019 DEF and 2019 Report on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2019 DEF, released on 9 April 2019, the Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2018 and, based on the the policy measures contained in the 2019 Def, provided forecasts for the 2019-2022 period for 4 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases). In addition document analyzed the impact assessment of the Citizenship Income on the absolute poverty index (household and individual) and the relevant methodological aspects for the future development of forecasting models for the indicators for which the forecasting tools do not yet exist.

The 2019 Report on Equitable and Sustainable Well-being Indicators, presented to Parliament on 27 February 2019 the Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2017 and, based on the policy measures contained in the 2019 Budget Law, provided forecasts for the 2018-2021 period for 4 indicators (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases). The report also contains an in-depth study on absolute poverty.

Annex to the 2018 DEF and 2018 Report on BES indicators

Starting with the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2018 Def, released on 26 April 2018, Mef considered the complete list of Bes indicators as defined by the Committee and approved by the competent parliamentary committees.

The list includes 12 indicators: Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Absolute poverty, Healthy life expectancy at birth, Overweight or obesity, Early leavers from education and training, Non-participation rate, Ratio of employment rate for women aged 25-49 with at least one child aged 0-5 to the employment rate of women 25-49 years without children, Predatory crime index, Length of civil proceedings, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, Illegal building rate.

Mef analyzed the trends of the 12 indicators up to 2017, and for the 4 indicators already considered in previous documents (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases) it provided the forecast for the period 2018-2021 based on the policy measures contained in the 2018 Def.

In the 2018 Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators presented to Parliament on 16 February 2018, Mef analyzed the trends of the 4 indicators up to 2016 (Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases) and provided forecasts for the period 2017-2020 based on the effects of the 2018 Budget Law.

Annex to the 2017 DEF on BES indicators

In the Annex on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators to the 2017 Def, released on 11 April 2017, the Mef considered a first set of 4 indicators of equitable and sustainable well-being: Adjusted gross disposable income per capita, Disposable income inequality, Non-participation rate, Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

For these indicators, Mef analyzed trends up to 2016 and provided forecasts according to two scenarios (trend and programmatic) for the period 2017-2020.


Bes Indicators updates

Document on Economics and Finance - Annex: the BES Indicators - Years 2017-2023

Report on equitable and sustainable well-being indicators - Years 2018-2024

The selections of indicators

Last edit: 19 March 2024