

9 January 2024

Census population counting at sub-municipal level as at 31 December 2019: first experimentation in 25 Italian municipalities

This paper describes the approach adopted for counting the 2019 sub-municipal census data and presents some preliminary results obtained from a trial carried out on the 25 municipalities with the largest population sizes, with sub-municipal administrative partitions
15 December 2023

Monitoring and Evaluating the Quality of the Integrated System of Registers

The bases laid for such a system aimed at integrating information from administrative sources with data from direct surveys
14 November 2023

Workshop on Methodologies for Official Statistics - Proceedings

Proceedings of the first Workshop on methodologies for official statistics, hosted by Istat on 5-6 December 2022
Reference period: Year 2022
14 September 2023

A new hybrid framework to monitor business cycle: the RAT-Ita approach

This paper aims to introduce a new business cycle indicator that exploits a large information set to nowcast the GDP evolution in real time
22 May 2023

Istat Working Paper no

By Simona Toti, Marco Di Zio, Alessandra Ronconi Full text of the 2/2023 issue In the 2018 Italian Population Census, counts are computed by using […]