
statistics olympics

28 March 2024

Italian statistics olympics 2024: team phase concluded

The rankings of the second phase (team phase) of the Italian statistics olympics, the competition aimed at students in the first four classes of upper […]
2 February 2024

Italian Statistics Olympics 2024: large participation at the national level

The individual round of the 14th edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics, aimed at students in the first four years of upper secondary schools in […]
18 December 2023

Italian statistics olympics 2024: more than 8,000 enrolled

There are 8,034 students registered for the 14th edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics: 27.8 percent more than the previous year’s edition, consolidating the growth […]
27 October 2023

Italian statistics olympics 2024

For the 2023/24 school year Istat and SIS organize the fourteenth edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics. The Olympics are aimed to encourage students to approach statistical […]
20 October 2023

Thirteenth Italian Statistics Day

On the occasion of the celebration of the Thirteenth Italian Statistics Day, Istat’s territorial offices launch a series of initiatives in collaboration with local bodies […]
20 October 2023

Thirteenth Italian Statistics Day

The 13° edition is celebrated on 20th October on the occasion of StatisticAll, the Festival of Statistics and Demography
29 March 2023

The team phase of the 2023 Statistics Olympics concluded

The rankings of the teams participating in the second phase of the Italian Statistics Olympics – the competition aimed at students in the first four classes […]
18 November 2022

The closing date of registration for the Italian Statistics Olympics has been postponed to 27 November 2022

Registration of schools and students for the 13th edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics closes on 27 November 2022. The competition, organized by Istat and […]
27 October 2022

Italian statistics olympics 2023

For the 2022/23 school year Istat and SIS organize the thirteenth edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics. The Olympics are aimed to encourage students to […]
31 March 2022

Italian Statistics Olympics 2022

For the 2021/22 school year Istat and SIS organize the twelfth edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics. The Olympics are aimed to encourage students to […]