Italian Statistics Olympics 2025: large participation at the national level
The individual round of the 15th edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics, aimed at students in the first four years of upper secondary schools in Italy, was held from 13 to 16 January.
This year’s competition again saw a large number of participating students (5,596). There were 2,249 female students and 3,347 male students; 1,818 students took the test in the first year, 1,746 in the second year, 1,113 in the third year and 919 in the fourth year.
Winners of the 2025 Olympics individual tests (classes I and II)
Winners of the 2025 Olympics individual tests (classes III and IV)
Winners of the first phase will be inserted in the “Albo nazionale delle Eccellenze” (National register of excellences), by Indire, in compliance with the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of education and merit.
The first 30 schools in the ranking of each category (I-II and III-IV) can participate in the team phase starting on 28 January 2025.
Institutes qualified for the second team phase of the Italian Olympics (classes I and II)
Institutes qualified for the second team phase of the Italian Olympics (classes III and IV)
For this phase of the competition, the deadline for submitting entries is 19 February.
Winners of the Italian team phase (the first two teams for the I-II year group and the first two for the III-IV year group) will be eligible for the European Competition, organized by Eurostat with the collaboration of the European National Statistical Institutes.