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Tenth Italian Day of Statistics

Promoted and organized by the National Institute of Statistics and the Italian Statistical Society (Sis) the tenth Italian Day of Statistics is celebrated on 20 October, 2020.

On the occasion of the European Day of Statistics, this year’s edition coincides with the World Day of Statistics organized by the United Nations on the theme “Connecting the world with data we can trust”, in order to celebrate globally the importance of up-to-date, reliable and timely data to understand and interconnect the changing world.

In line with the reflection proposed by the World Day of Statistics, the Italian Day of Statistics 2020 is the occasion to enhance all processes already initiated to increase confidence in official statistics.

To this end, Istat celebrates this Day by describing its commitment to making statistical information available to non-experts, through growing investment in activities and initiatives for scientific dissemination and promotion of statistical literacy, both at a national and local level; this also proves how the quality of statistical data can also be improved by increasing awareness in the community.

This celebration is, therefore, an opportunity to launch a series of initiatives aimed at increasing the perception of official statistics as a tool for understanding everyday reality.

Data at hand. The new section of the Istat’s institutional website dedicated to whomever would like to become familiar with official statistics in a simple and pleasant way.

Italian Statistics Olympics. Registrations for the 11th edition will start on 20 October and close on 3 December. The competition, aimed at bringing students closer to statistical reasoning, involves the first four high school classes.

Permanent census at school. This initiative aims at communicating the census and promoting statistical literacy among students of primary and secondary schools. The second edition will start on 26 October.

Statistical posters. Statistics, environment and sustainable development are the themes of the 8th edition of the ISLP biennial competition targeting a wide range of students, from secondary schools to universities.

Local experiences and stories. Through a series of video interviews, Istat’s territorial offices describe the experiences of promoting statistical literacy across the regional territory. Their aim is that of telling a story through the faces of all those who have contributed to citizens making a growingly conscious use of quantitative information.

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