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Italian Statistics Olympics 2021

For the 2020/21 school year Istat and SIS organize the eleventh edition of the Italian Statistics Olympics.

The Olympics are aimed to make students familiar with statistical thinking, to arouse their interest towards data analysis and probability, to make them able to understand correctly the meaning of the quantitative information they get every day.

The initiative is intended for students of the upper secondary school (from first to fourth year).

To register please go to the link:

School and student registrations are open from October 20, 2020 to December 3, 2020.

The competition is in Italian language only, and it consists of an individual test and a team assignment. Individual tests will be held on:

  • January 19, 2021 (schools of northern Italy, except for the regions Liguria and Emilia Romagna);
  • January 20, 2021 (schools of central Italy, Liguria and Emilia Romagna);
  • January 21, 2021 (schools of southern Italy and the islands).

The individual test consists of online multiple choice answers on statistics topics (tests of past editions are available at the web pages of the competition for the years: 2018 | 2019 | 2020). Materials are in Italian language only.

Further information is available in the  Competition announcement and in the Rulesadopted by Istat.

Winners in individual tests are inserted in the “Albo nazionale delle eccellenze” (National register of excellences,) by the Ministry of Education. Admitted schools will take part in the team phase, starting from February 1, 2021 ; the deadline for delivering team works is extended until February 26, 2021 .

Also in this edition, the Italian Statistics Olympics are the national phase of the European statistics competition. The Olympics winners are admitted to the European competition organized by Eurostat in collaboration with the National statistical institutes (here the European rules).

For information: