The Italian Innovation Survey (CIS)
The Italian Innovation Survey covers innovation activities of the Italian enterprises with at least ten employees operative in industry and services. In particular, the survey collects information about new or significantly improved goods or services (product innovations) and new or significantly improved processes, logistics or distribution methods (process innovations), as well as about organizational and marketing innovation. Most questions refer to product and process innovations: to this regard, the survey provides a wide and articulated set of indicators on innovation activities, innovation expenditure, public funding, sources of information for innovation, innovation co-operation and innovation objectives.
The survey is part of the Eu Community Innovation Survey (Cis), carried out on a two-year basis (from 2004 onwards) by all Eu Member States and candidate countries, plus Norway and Iceland, following the Commission Regulation No 1450/2004, which establishes the legal basis for innovation statistics and makes it compulsory to deliver data every two years on some key variables. Since 2000, Cis has become one of the major sources of data for the European Innovation Scoreboard, and it has been confirmed by the European Commission one of the flagship initiatives for measuring the performances of the Innovation Union within the Eu2020 strategy.