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Historical censuses

Every ten years, the censuses provide a more detailed snapshot of Italy than any other survey. The surveys guarantee that uniform criteria are used to interpret the territory, allowing for the drafting of targeted and informed policies.

The censuses illustrate the transformation of the country, describing its characteristics area by area. They offer essential information to those who have the responsibility of government and territorial planning and to citizens and institutions to evaluate their policies.

To provide an accurate population count and survey of structural features, update and review anagraphical data, calculate the legal population and gather information on the number and structural characteristics of housing and buildings. These are the main aims of the Population and housing census.

Data from the last two censuses are available online:

Every ten years, the industry and services census describes the characteristics of the productive system by area and micro-area, providing the most detailed source of information available.

The survey of public institutions provides an accurate picture of the structural and organizational characteristics of the public sector, focusing on the activities of the regional offices and on the modernization of public administration processes.

For the census of 2011, Istat has made pre-census lists through the integration of administrative sources, as well as other administrative sources.

13 thousand institutions were involved: local authorities, administrative authorities, tax agencies and other institutional organizations, such as chambers of commerce, colleges and professional associations.

For the survey on non-profit institutions, Istat realizes the pre-census lists through the integration of administrative sources, as well as other administrative sources.

Data available on line:

The data gathered during the census provide a complete information base on the structure of the agricultural and zootechnic system on a national, regional and local level. The data, therefore, have a strong impact on the development of national agricultural policy and, since the survey is conducted according to rules drawn up on a European level, also represent a fundamental tool for EU agricultural policymakers.

The information obtained describes the agricultural world in detail: from the number of firms to the ownership of land, from the use of farming land to the size of livestock holdings, from the manual labour involved to associated economic activities. The data refer to various territorial levels, right down to municipal detail.