

17 May 2024

Census population

At 31.12.2022 the census population is equal to 58,997,201 people usually resident in Italian municipalities 27 JUNE 2024
Reference period: Year 2022
29 March 2024

Demographic Indicators - Year 2023

Nearly stable population thanks to immigration   Falling birth rate, sharply declining mortality: 6 newborns and 11 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants. More immigrants and less […]
Reference period: Year 2023
31 May 2023

Integration of the second generation: public use micro

In 2021 ISTAT carried out the survey “Children and young people: behavior, attitudes, and future projects” with the support of the Ministry of Education. The […]
Reference period: Year 2021
31 May 2023

Integration of the second generation: microdata for research purposes

In 2021 ISTAT carried out the survey “Children and young people: behavior, attitudes, and future projects” with the support of the Ministry of Education. The […]
Reference period: Year 2021
7 April 2023

Demographic indicators - Year 2022

Population drops, but not to the 2020-21 biennium level   Birth rate at an all-time low, mortality still high: less than 7 newborns and more […]
Reference period: Year 2022
16 May 2022

Labour discrimination towards LGBT+ people

Istat and UNAR (National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office) present the main results of the survey on labour discrimination against LGBT+ people (in civil union or formerly in […]
Reference period: Years 2020-2021
8 April 2022

Demographic indicators - Year 2021

Demographic development on the way to settle down Population drop by 4.3 per thousand on annual basis: an improvement compared to the -6.8 per thousand […]
Reference period: Year 2021
27 October 2021

Demography of Europe - Statistics Visualized - 2021 Edition

Available formats: WEB PUBLICATION | pdf version  Edition: 2021 Released by Eurostat ISBN 978-92-76-37873-0 ISSN 2600-3368 doi:10.2785/428873 Demographic statistics are popular and importat data for almost […]
20 January 2021

Diversity management in enterprises in Italy

Istat and UNAR present the main results of a thematic study aimed at investigating diversity management measures for LGBT+ diversity implemented by enterprises of industry […]
Reference period: Year 2019
16 July 2020

National demographic balance

On December 31, 2019 the population residing in Italy amounted to 60,244,639i units, almost 189 thousand less than at the beginning of the year (-0.3%). […]
Reference period: Year 2019

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