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Road accidents resulting in death or injury

The “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in deaths (within the 30th day) or injuries, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the national road net and documented by a Police authority or military corps.

The survey is an exhaustive and monthly based data collection (National Statistical Programme – PSN – 00142 code). The unit of analysis is the single accident and information collected, such as circumstances and data on involved vehicles and dead or injured persons, are referred to the moment when the accident occurred.
Variables collected concern the main aspects of road accidents: date and location of the accident, data collector, localization, road type and name, junction, road bed, traffic signs, weather, road accident type, circumstances and consequences on persons involved.

The data collection is based on a composite organisational model and it is realised by a various selection of public corporations and local organisations: ACI (Automobile Club d’Italia), Ministry of Interior (National Police), Carabinieri, Provincial Police, Local Police and Statistical Offices or special Local Monitoring Centres. A flexible data flow model, in fact, has been adopted by Istat, through the subscription of special agreements with Regions (NUTS2 level) and Provinces (NUTS3 level), to facilitate the local authorities information needs and to improve the timeliness and quality of data collected.

The survey consists in the communication to Istat of all information contained on the form called “CTT/INC”, by means the filling of the paper form or the sending of a data file from National or Local Police or Carabinieri or other corps verbalising the accident, only if resulting in death or injury.