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The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development adopted from the UN-Assembly General (UN Resolution A7RES/70/1, New York) is built on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

The Goals of the 2030 Agenda refer to different areas of social, economic and environmental development, which need to be considered in an integrated approach, as well as the processes that may accompany and foster them in a sustainable way, that safeguards the planet and guarantees the well-being of people and an equitable distribution of development over time.

The 17 goals are articulated in 169 targets and the United Nations Inter Agency Expert Group on SDGs (UN-IAEG-SDGs) proposed a first list of 244 indicators (232 are different) for their monitoring, which represent the general framework.

Istat, like other national statistical institutes, has the task of constructing the statistical information necessary for monitoring the 2030 Agenda for our Country and contributing to the realization of this global project. Therefore, starting from December 2016, Istat began to make the indicators available for Italy on a six-monthly basis on the information platform dedicated to SDGs, accessible from

This year, along with the new annual release, the second SDGs Report 2019, Statistical information for the 2030 Agenda in Italy, is published. The Report proposes a further extension of the panorama of indicators.

In this sixth release Istat produces an updated set of 123 UN-IAEG-SDGs indicators and, for these, 303 statistical measures, all available on the website.

On this occasion, in application of the “no one left behind” principle, particular attention was paid to expanding possible breakdowns by gender, citizenship, presence of limitations (disability) and territorial level. In particular, for 175 statistical measures it was possible to provide regional breakdowns in a specific chapter.

In order to give an account of the intrinsic complexity of sustainable development, the Report also traces an analysis of the links between objectives, sub-objectives and indicators.

This is a work in continuous evolution, which takes into account the improvements in the production of statistical measures within the National Statistical System (Sistan) and thanks to synergistic action developed in it, working for a progressive extension of the “mapping” of the indicators proposed by UN-IAEG-SDGs.

 Istat indicators for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 2019 ITALY REPORT
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