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Citizens and the ICTs

Every year the survey on “Aspects of daily life” provides data on households’ behaviour and relevant aspects of their daily life.

The information presented today is taken from the survey carried out in March 2014 and concerns: access to information and communication technologies, use of personal computers, use of the Internet, use of mobile devices for connection to the Internet, use of the Internet to interact with public authorities, e-commerce.

The sample included over 19,000 households, for an overall amount of about 46,000 individuals. For further information see the methodological appendix, available on Istat website (Italian only).

In 2014, the percentage of households owning an access to the Internet at home (from 60.7% to 64%)  and broadband access (from 59.7% to 62.7%) increases as compared to 2013.

Households with children under 18 are the most Icts-oriented: 87.1% of them own a Pc, and 89% have Internet access at home. On the other hand, households composed only by individuals aged 65 and over maintain a low level of technological goods: only 17.8% own a Pc and 16.3% have Internet access at home.

Strong differences still persist at the territorial level in Italy in 2014. For example, in the Centre-north area 66% of households own a Pc, 66.6% have Internet access at home and 65.4% have a broadband access while in the South and Islands area of the Country the percentages are respectively 57.3%, 58.3% and 56.4%. The technological gap between the Centre-north and South and Islands areas of Italy is confirmed by the percentage of households owning a mobile phone enabled to Internet connection: 58.2% in the North-east, approximately 48% in the South and Islands.

In 2014, over half of the population aged 3 and over use a Pc (54.7%)  and over half of the population aged 6 and over surf the web (57.3%). There is a significant increase in the daily use of internet (+3.3 percentage points).

Gender and generation gaps are persisting. The percentage of men using a pc is 59.3%, women’s percentage is 50.2%. 62.3% of men surf the Internet, whereas 52.7% of women does it. Young people aged 15-24 confirm themselves as the best users of personal computer and Internet: their percentages respectively overtake 83% and 89%.

In general, Italian people easily perform basic computer operations: 82.7% of pc users is able to move a file or a folder. 95.6% of Italian Internet users knows how to use a search engine. Only the digital natives, young people aged 15-24 and grown up with the Internet and the social networks, have computer skills significantly higher than the national average.