

10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Years 2014-2023
10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Year 2023
9 May 2023

Istat and Vodafone business: tourism statistics with mobile network data

Innovating and improving tourism statistics. This is the aim of the collaboration between Istat and Vodafone Business Italia who have carried out a study on […]

Day-time population for study and work

Istat publishes the 2017 update related to the “Day-time population for study and work – 2016” Experimental Statistics, released on 9 March 2020. Many studies […]
Reference period: Year 2017

Museum routes in Italy in 2018

Road routes that connect the museums and similar institutions surveyed by the Istat survey 2018 form the museum routes presented here, the routes are enriched […]

Day-time population for study and work

Many studies on the settlement population modalities and on the urbanisation dynamics show how, in the cities, some types of non-resident populations live together with […]
Reference period: Year 2016
3 December 2019

Museum routes in Italy in 2015

Recently, Istat has undertaken a work of data geo-referencing aimed at providing a growing supply of information for territorial analysis and local development policies. This […]

Integrated economic and environmental accounts for tourism

Istat releases experimental statistics on environmental pressures related to tourism industries, obtained by integrating two existing accounting frameworks – the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) and […]