

31 January 2024

Public and Private Libraries Census

The Census, addressed to more than 9,000 libraries, state and non-state, both public and private, is carried out by Istat in the framework of the […]
Reference period: Years 2019-2022
7 December 2022

Produzione e lettura di libri in Italia - Anno 2021

Torna a crescere la produzione libraria, stabile il numero di lettori. Nel 2021 sono aumentati sia i titoli pubblicati (+11,1% sul 2020) sia le tirature […]
Reference period: Anno 2021
3 October 2022

Bes at local level - 2022 edition

ISTAT releases the annual update of the BES indicators at local level, related the 107 Italian provinces and metropolitan cities. The 2022 edition contains 70 […]
Reference period: Year 2021
18 February 2022

2021 SDGs Report

  2021 SDGS REPORT ( pdf, 13 Mb) Edition year: 2021 Series: Letture statistiche – Temi Pages: 174 ISBN: 978-88-458-2071-7 Istat disseminates the fourth edition of […]