
construction costs

20 June 2024

Production in the construction sector – April 2024

In April 2024 production in the construction sector +2.3% over March and +10.5% y-o-y
Reference period: Aprile 2024
19 November 2021

Production in construction

In September 2021, estimates for construction output increased by 0.5% in the month-on-month series. In the 3rd quarter of 2021, the seasonally adjusted index of […]
Reference period: September 2021
21 July 2021

Production in the construction sector

In May 2021, estimates for construction output decreased by 3.6% in the month-on-month series, after 4 months of growth. Despite being negative in the early […]
Reference period: May 2021
21 April 2020

Production in construction

Construction output fell by 3.4% in February 2020 compared with January 2020, when the index for production in construction highly increased in the month on […]
Reference period: February 2020
19 April 2018

Production and costs in construction

The production in construction index provides monthly statistics on output in the sector, referring not only to all new work, but also to repair and […]
Reference period: February 2018
28 March 2018

Production and costs in construction

The production in construction index provides monthly statistics on output in the sector, referring not only to all new work, but also to repair and […]
Reference period: January 2018
20 February 2018

Production and costs in construction

The production in construction index provides monthly statistics on output in the sector, referring not only to all new work, but also to repair and […]
Reference period: December 2017
19 December 2017

Production and costs in construction

The production in construction index provides monthly statistics on output in the sector, referring not only to all new work, but also to repair and […]
Reference period: October 2017
20 November 2017

Production and costs in construction

The production in construction index provides monthly statistics on output in the sector, referring not only to all new work, but also to repair and […]
Reference period: September 2017
18 October 2017

Production and costs in construction

In August 2017 the seasonally adjusted index of production in construction compared with the previous month increased by 1.8%. In the quarter Jun-Aug 2017 the […]
Reference period: August 2017