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Bes report 2019

Now in its 7th edition, the Bes Report offers an integrated picture of the main economic, social and environmental phenomena characterizing our Country, through the analysis of a wide set of indicators divided into 12 domains.

Bes report volume's cover;
BES REPORT 2019 (pdf, 6 Mb)

| Introduction
| Regional fact sheets
| Analisys of determinants of life satisfaction
| A multidimensional analysis of youth well-being


01. Health 07. Safety
02. Education and training 08. Subjective well-being
03. Work and life balance 09. Landscape and cultural heritage
04. Economic well-being 10. Environment
05. Social relationships 11. Innovation, research and creativity
06. Politics and institutions 12. Quality of services


Statistical annex Statistical annex
All indicators in xls format, organised by domain and by region, with metadata
Dashboard for data visualization and analisys Dashboard for data visualization and analisys
By means of different graphic tools it is possible to analyse trends, geographic and gender differences for each indicator
Information on measuring well-being Information on measuring well-being
All the publications and other information on the measure of equitable and sustainable well-being in Italy

Note. On the 14th of February 2020, the file ‘Statistical annex’ was replaced for revisions on the indicators 10AMB002 – Domestic material consumption (year 2017), 11RIC003 – Impact of knowledge workers on employment (years 2017 and 2018) and for the composite index 11RIC091AMPI of the “Innovation Research and Creativity” domain. Consequently, changes have been implemented to the chapters “Environment” and “Innovation, research and creativity”. In addition, for the chapter “Education and training” a revision has been made to the name of indicators 8 and 9 in Table 1, in the labels of Figures 5 and 6 and in the note of the table at the end of the chapter; for the chapter “Work and life balance” a revision has been made in the legend of Figure 6 and in the note of the table at the end of the chapter.