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Museum routes in Italy in 2015

Recently, Istat has undertaken a work of data geo-referencing aimed at providing a growing supply of information for territorial analysis and local development policies. This work intends to propose an operative support for the definition of museum policies at a local level suggesting, through the analysis of the geo-referenced data provided by the “Survey on museums and similar institutions in 2015” carried out by ISTAT within the framework of European cultural statistics, some possible actions for the cultural development of the territory.

We identify “museum itineraries” and highlight possible “thematic paths” to enhance those museums that for various reasons are not able to make the most of their potential. The basic hypothesis is to upgrade small museums by identifying paths that from the most attractive “pole” (the most visited museum in the province [sub-regional aggregations of municipalities]) can create “emancipating exchanges” also for museums that are often located in peripheral areas and less reachable. In this perspective both institutions could benefit from it: not only the less frequented museum but also the center of attention of the visitors, as it would be included in a cultural network anchored to the local identity that improves in broader terms the whole territory.

The concept of museum route represents the first step towards the construction of a real museum/cultural network at a local level, with structured objectives and rules.

For information:

Silvia Talice
ph. +39 06 4673.7369

Maria Rosaria Prisco
ph. +39 06 4673.7518