
social benefits

3 November 2023

Istat working paper 6/2023

The experimental use of new data sources to enrich and fill the information gaps in official statistics
13 February 2019

Pensioners’ living conditions

Istat publishes this Focus on Pensioners’ Living Conditions to disseminate information about pension beneficiaries, integrating three different statistical sources: the administrative archive ‘Pensioners Central Register’; […]
Reference period: Years 2016-2017
21 December 2017

Pensioners’ living conditions

Istat publishes this Focus on Pensioners’ Living Conditions to disseminate richer information about pension beneficiaries, integrating three different statistical sources: the administrative archive ‘Pensioners Central […]
Reference period: Years 2015-2016
15 December 2016

Pensioners’ living conditions

Istat publishes this Focus on Pensioners’ Living Conditions to disseminate a richer information about pension beneficiaries, integrating three different statistical sources: the administrative archive ‘Pensioners […]
Reference period: Years 2014-2015
3 December 2015

Pensions and pensioners

In 2014 total pension expenditure reached 277,067 millions of euro, registering an increase by 1.6% compared to 2013. Its incidence rate on Gdp grew by […]
Reference period: Year 2014
25 June 2015

Pensions and pensioners

Pensions provided in 2013 were 23.3 millions: 56.3% to women, the remaining 43.7% to men. Women represented more than a half (52.9%) of the pensioners […]
Reference period: Year 2013
26 September 2014

Pensions and pensioners

In 2012 pension expenditure reached 270,720 million euros. At the regional level the impact on GDP reached the maximum value in Calabria (21.83%) and the […]
Reference period: Years 2012
3 February 2014

Regional household disposable income

In 2012 the disposable income of households declined in all Italian regions (-1.9% national average). The southern regions (-1.6%) and the North-east area (-1.8%) showed […]
Reference period: Years 2010-2012
12 November 2013

Pensions and pensioners

In 2011 pension expenditure reached 265,975 million of euro. At the regional level the incidence on GDP reached the highest value in Liguria (21.25%) and […]
Reference period: Year 2011