
leisure time

10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Years 2014-2023
10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Year 2023
3 May 2024

Aspects of daily life

The Multipurpose survey on households “Aspects of daily life” (AVQ) is an annual sample survey carried out by interviewing a sample of 20,000 households (for […]
Reference period: Years 2022-2013|Years 2022-2013
2 May 2024

Aspects of daily life

The Multipurpose survey on households “Aspects of daily life” (AVQ) is an annual sample survey carried out by interviewing a sample of 20,000 households (for […]
Reference period: Years 2022-2013
20 December 2023

Household Budget Survey

The household budget survey (HBS) focuses on consumption expenditure behaviors of households residing in Italy. It analyzes the evolution of level and composition of household […]
Reference period: Years 2022-2014
20 December 2023

Household Budget Survey

The household budget survey (HBS) focuses on consumption expenditure behaviors of the Italian resident households. The main target of the HBS is represented by all […]
Reference period: Years 2022-2014
15 November 2023

Update of Bes indicators - November 2023

Istat releases the half-yearly update of the indicators on Equitable and sustainable well-being (Bes). This update provides for the alignment of data on the Bes […]