

15 March 2024

Environment and Economy: Main Indicators - Years 2020-2022

Pressure on the environment as well as environmental expenditure increase again In 2021 the main pressure indicators of the environmental accounts grow more than GDP […]
Reference period: Years 2020-2022
30 October 2023

Environmental tax revenue years 2008-2022

On October 30th 2023, Istat releases on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts/Environmental tax revenue’ sub-theme, the 2008-2022 time series on environmental […]
Reference period: Years 2008-2022
12 October 2023

Municipalities based on Italian Ecoregions

Istat published the main results relating to the classification of municipalities according to the ecoregions as identified on the basis of homogeneity with respect to […]
Reference period: Years 2016-2023
13 July 2023

Environmental tax revenue

On July 13th 2023, Istat releases on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts/Environmental tax revenue’ sub-theme, the 2008-2022 time series on environmental […]
Reference period: Years 2008-2022
10 March 2023

Environment and economy: main indicators - Years 2018-2020

The crisis reduces pressures on the environment, expenditure on environmental protection is stable In 2020, the main pressure indicators of the environmental accounts decreased, compared […]
Reference period: Years 208-2020
24 February 2023

Environmental protection expenditure

Istat releases the time series on environmental protection expenditure (2016-2020) on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accountsEnvironmental protection expenditure’ sub-theme. The environmental […]
17 June 2022

Environmental tax revenue

On June 17th 2022, Istat releases on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts/Environmental tax revenue’ sub-theme, the 2008-2021 time series on environmental tax […]
Reference period: Years 2008-2021
15 February 2022

Production and expenditure for environmental purposes

Istat releases the time series on the supply of environmental goods and services (2014-2019) as well as on expenditure for environmental protection (2008-2020) on I.Stat […]
22 November 2021

Environmental tax revenue

On November 22nd 2021, Istat releases on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts/Environmental tax revenue’ sub-theme, the 2008-2020 time series on environmental […]
Reference period: Years 2008-2020
4 February 2021

Production and expenditure for environmental purposes

Istat releases the time series on the supply of environmental goods and services (2014-2018) as well as on expenditure for environmental protection (2008-2019) on I.Stat […]