

Enterprises classified by use of ICT and economic indicators

Istat has recently moved to collecting structural business statistics through a new statistical information system, named FRAME SBS, mainly created by integrating administrative and fiscal […]
Reference period: Year 2018
25 March 2019

Competitività dei settori produttivi

Formato disponibile: Collana: Letture statistiche – Temi Anno di edizione: 2019 Pagine: 102 ISBN: 978-88-458-1975-9 (elettronico) L’edizione 2019, avvalendosi del crescente sviluppo del potenziale informativo […]
Reference period: Anno 2018
24 September 2018

Innovation in enterprises

In 2014-2016, 47.8% of Italian enterprises with at least ten persons employed undertook innovation activity. As compared to the previous period 2012-2014, the propensity to […]
Reference period: Years 2014-2016
23 March 2018

Competitiveness of productive sectors

On the occasion of the presentation of the 2018 Report, Istat created an infographic on competitiveness of productive sectors. Click the image to download pdf […]
9 November 2016

Innovation in Italian enterprises

In 2012-2014, 44.6% of Italian enterprises with at least ten persons employed undertook innovation activity. As compared to the previous period 2008-2010, the propensity to […]
Reference period: Years 2012-2014
9 December 2015

Structure and competitiveness of enterprises

In 2013, value added of enterprise in industrial and services sectors reduced for the second year in a row (-1.7% compared to 2012); the number […]
Reference period: Year 2013
2 December 2014

Structure and competitiveness of enterprises

In 2012 enterprises in the industrial and services sectors were 4.4 million and employed about 16.1 million of persons (11.2 million employees). The average enterprise […]
Reference period: Year 2012
7 January 2014

Enterprise groups in Italy

Istat makes available data on the structure and size of enterprise groups in Italy in 2011 under the classification of economic activities Nace Rev. 2, […]
Reference period: Year 2011