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Rilevazione degli incidenti stradali con lesioni a persone: microdati ad uso pubblico

The “road accidents survey” collects all road accidents resulting in deaths (within the 30th day) or injuries, involving at least a vehicle circulating on the national road net and documented by a Police authority or military corps. The data collection is based on a composite organisational model and it is realised by a various selection of public corporations and local organisations. Variables collected concern the main aspects of road accidents: date and location of the accident, data collector, localization, road type and name, junction, road bed, traffic signs, weather, road accident type, circumstances and consequences on persons involved.

The mIcro.STAT data processing, until the year 2013, has to be realised using the weigth variable as mIcro.STAT data represent a sample of the complete and original data file.
Since 2014 data, the public use file is a microdata complete selection.

Note. Datasets related to SAS, R and STATA will be released in July 2015.

Note. On April 14, 2015, a new 2012 data version has been released due to some integrations in the variable “weight” for a limited number of records.
