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Talent for infographics with statistical content

2nd edition

For the 7th European Statistics Day (20 October 2022) Istat launched the second edition of the Talent “Beautiful Numbers – Create your own infographic”: a contest for infographics with statistical content dedicated to the creativity, sensibility, originality and artistic and statistical passion of children, teenagers, adults and institutions in representing and communicating the country to the country through the engaging medium of infographics.

17 May 2023
The large participation in this second edition of the Talent and the curious and attentive enthusiasm of the participants led the Jury to add Commendations to the Macrocategory Awards and Special Mentions.

  • Read the list of winners
  • Go to the page to the award-winning infographics.

20 October 2022
Infographic designers of all ages browse Istat website, get inspired by our macro-themes, our indicators and our infographics, compose words, numbers, images with whatever technique and medium matches your imagination, challenge the other participants and get ready to feed the Infographic Gallery “Beautiful Numbers – Create your own infographic”.

All authors will receive a certificate of participation.

Considering the great amount of infographics received, and to allow the jury to carry out its evaluation, the announcement of the winning and special mention infographics is postponed to 17 May 2023, upon the occasion of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD).

Award-winning works will be published on Istat website and institutional social profiles.

Go prove with us that numbers can be fun, fantasy, art, to promote together the ideal of the statistical function and culture as founding cornerstones and as a basis for a Knowledge Society closer and more accessible to experts and less expert users.

Registration terms

From 20 October to 1 April 2023

Talent participation attachments


For further information write

To learn more about the first edition of the talent, visit the dedicated page.

Watch the video on the history of Istat infographics