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Physical energy flows (Pefa)

On 14 December 2020, Istat releases the time series 2008-2018 on Physical Energy Flow Accounts (Pefa) of Italian economy, expressed in Terajoule (Tj), on I.Stat data warehouse, in “National Accounts” theme, “Environmental Accounts” sub-theme, “Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA)” section.

Compared to the previous edition, some methodological revisions partially modify 2008-2017 time series and 2018 energy flows have been added.

Pefa data are – by construction – comparable with economic data of National Accounts, resulting particularly suitable to using in integrated environmental and economic analysis.

Pefa allows analyzing the interactions between natural system and anthropic system regarding supply, transformation and use of energy. It provides a complete representation of energy flowing from environment to economy (flows of natural energy inputs), within the economy (flows of energy products, and non-energy products used for energy purposes) and from economy to environment (energy losses, other energy residues). For each type of flow, suppliers and users are considered, distinguishing between: economic activities, households, accumulation, rest of the world, environment.

Energy flow data are presented using the following table system:

  • Supply and Use of energy flows: summary scheme;
  • Energy flows’ supply, by activity and type of flow;
  • Energy flows’ use, by activity and type of flow, separately for:
    • energy flows’ use for transformation into other energy products (transformation losses are included);
    • energy flows’ use other than transformation into other energy products (non-energy use is included);
  • Emission-relevant energy flows’ use by activity and and type of flow (it is a ‘of which’ of the total energy flows’ use);
  • Vectors of key energy flows indicators
  • Bridge table between Net domestic energy use of PEFA and Gross internal energy consumption (GIEC indicator) of National Energy Balance (BEN);
  • Energy flows’ use, by type of use, separately for (they are a ‘of which’ of the total energy flows’ use):
    • uses for transformation into electricity and heat (transformation losses are included);
    • uses for transformation into energy products other than electricity and heat (transformation losses are included);
    • uses for transport;
    • energy uses other than transformation and transport (heating, lighting, industrial processes, etc.);
    • distribution losses;
    • non-energy uses.

For more information, please refer to the published metadata.

For information

Giusy Vetrella
ph. +39 06 4673.3236

Silvia Zannoni
ph. +39 06 4673.3109