[ Italiano ]

12 Bes indicators in the 2020 Economic and Financial document

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From 2017, in the DEF there has been started to be a selection of well-being indicators were picked  out from the BES framework. The utilization of these indicators to define the politics economic was established in the law 163/2016  (Balance Reform) that fixed an innovative decision: to consider all possible impacts of the measures indicated in the DEF concerning the main well-being dimensions on the Italian people.

The first application of these indicators considered only a minimum set of 4 BES indicators, that were analyzed and expected by the MEF in the  DEF 2017.

The MEF most recent publication is DEF 2020 disseminated on the 9th of July 2020. In the document the trend of the 12 indicators up to 2019 was analysed and the forecast of some of them up to 2021 was provided, on the basis of the macroeconomic framework contained in the 2020 Economic and Financial Document, published on 24 April 2020. Three methodological insights are also available, on overweight or obesity, early leavers from education and training, ratio of employment rate for women aged 25-49 with at least one child aged 0-5 to the employment rate of women 25-49 years without children.

For this publication, Istat provided the 2019 update of the complete set of sustainable welfare and well-being indicators included in the DEF, mainly based on final data but also, when it was necessary to ensure timeliness, on provisional data and ad hoc models for advance estimates.

More information are available at BES and DEF web page.

Date of Issue: 21 July 2020
