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Household Budget Survey

The household budget survey (HBS) focuses on consumption expenditure behaviors of the Italian resident households.

The main target of the HBS is represented by all expenditures incurred by resident households to purchase goods and services exclusively devoted to household consumption (self-consumptions, imputed rentals and presents are included); every other expenditure for a different purpose is excluded from the data collection.

The HBS is a sample survey conducted every month of the year.

Notes. On 12 February 2024, the following files in the 2022 metadata package were replaced: the file “crea_capitoli_spese_2022.xls”, due to a typo in the name of the variable d_06 and “Metodologia_MFR_Spese_2022.pdf” following the update of p.13.

On 19 March 2024, the 2022 microdata were reloaded for a methodological review relating to the variable “poor”.
