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Citizens’ satisfaction

In 2015, after a sharp decline in 2012, the satisfaction of people aged 14 and over with living conditions in general shows a substantial stability as well as the satisfaction with health and job.

The satisfaction with other specific aspects of life as family, friends, leisure time and economic situation grows and the trust in others decreases. These are the main results of the Multi-purpose survey “Aspects of daily life” that took place in March 2015.

The population aged 14 and over gives an average score to satisfaction with life as a whole equal to 6.8. 35.1% of people indicate the highest levels of satisfaction (scores 8, 9 and 10), in line with the previous year. The proportion of population (4.5 percent) that expresses a score between 0 and 3 is stable as well.

In 2015, 90.9% of people aged 14 and over is satisfied with family relationships, 83.4% is satisfied with their friendships and 66.4% with leisure time. It is a rise compared to 2014.

81.1% of the population express a positive opinion on their health status and 74.8% of the employed is very or fairly satisfied with their work. The level of satisfaction with these aspects is stable compared to 2014.

The proportion of households that declare no variations or some improvements with respect to their economic situation pass from 52.1% in 2014 to 57.3% in 2015. The perception of the economic situation grows.

At the same time, the satisfaction with the personal economic situation increases: 47.5 % of people aged 14 and over is satisfied with their economic situation, compared to 43.4 % in 2014.
78.6% of people aged 14 and over think that “we must be very careful towards others”; while 19.9% think that “most people are trustworthy”. Compared to 2014 (respectively 74.6% and 23.2%), the trust decreases.

The worsening in trust is also expressed by a lower probability attributed to the possibility that the wallet lost is returned from neighbors (from 71.0% in 2014 to 69.4% in 2015) or from strangers (from 12.3% to 11.1%).

Over 30% of households indicate the presence of problems in the area in which they live, such as: risk of crime (41.1%), traffic (38.4%), parking problems (37.3%), air pollution (36.7%), noise (31.2%) and difficulty of connection with public transport (30.5%). Compared to 2014, the proportion of households that indicate problems generally increases, in particular the perception of risk of crime grow.