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Final balance sheets of municipal governments

The analysis of Municipal-level final balance certificates and local financing in particular falls within the context of Istat’s statistical framework on general governments.

The provisional estimations presented in the following statistical summary are based on information from Ministry of the Interior data banks.

The total revenue assessed by municipal governments during fiscal year 2013 was estimated at 83,935 million euros. This general total does not include the revenue of third-party contractors.

The total assessed revenue fell down to 75.2 percent current revenues, 13.7 percent capital revenue and the remaining 11.1 percent for revenue derived from the opening of lines of credit.

With reference to the data for 2012, total assessments grew up (+8.5 percent) and total collections grew by 3.7 percent. Collections in accrual accounts grew from 53,484 million euros in 2012 to 57,966 million euros in 2013 (+8.4 percent), residual accounts dropped off from 21,520 million euros to 19,833 million euros (-7.8 percent). Collection capacity in 2013, as measured by the ratio between items collected in accrual accounts and items assessments, was equal to 69.1 percent (remaining stable).

Analyzing the weights of each single entry relative to total assessments reveals a decrease – with reference to the previous year – in current revenues (-2.9 percentage points), as well as capital revenue (-1.1 percentage points), while opening of lines of credit grew up by 4.0 percentage points.

In 2013, the total for current revenue assessments was 63,082 million euros, rising compared to the previous fiscal year. This result reflects the growth of contributions and transfers (+30.7 percent), while tributary revenues and non-tributary revenues fell by 1.1 and 0.3 percent, respectively.

The collection of current revenues increased (+0.8 percent). Within this category, both the revenues from contributions and transfers and non-tributary revenues reflected an increase (+23.9 and +3.0 percent, respectively). Revenues from tributary revenues dropped (-6.9 percent).

For information
Structural economic statistics on enterprise and institutions,
international trade and consumer prices directorate

Roberta Di Stefano
ph. +39 06 4673.6402