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Prisoners in the Italian penal institutions

At December 31, 2013 62,536 persons were held in Italian prisons, 4.8% less than in 2012 (-8% over 2010). There are about 10 million prisoners in the world, most of them are finally sentenced. The prison population rate per 100,000 inhabitants was 103.8 In Italy, 128.9 in Europe, 145 in the World.

The number of prisoners was much higher than the capacity of Penal Institutions, that is 47,709 places, but the rate of overcrowding is steadily declining due to the recent legislation changes. It amounted to131.1 inmates out of 100 places available for 2013, and to 110.4 in November 2014 (it was 151 in 2010).

61.5% of inmates had to serve a final sentence, 36.6% were in pretrial detention and on remand, 1.9% were subject to security measures. Out of 38,471 finally sentence inmates in prison, about half (46.6%) had to serve a final sentence shorter than five years.

People entering into prison each year decreased by 30% compared to the years 2000. Most of the people who entered into prison (59,330 in 2013) is awaiting trial (85%), while14.3% have a final sentence to serve.
15.9% of inmates entering into prison from the state of freedom are released within a week.

In addition to the sentenced prisoners (38,471), in 2013 there were 29,741 finally sentenced offenders in probation (people who benefit from community measures outside the prison), with a 70% increase compared to 2000.

74.4% of said offenders benefited from alternative measures (assignment to the probation services, home detention, etc.), 14.8% of the persons were involved in community service, and 10.8% in other measures.

Drugs offences are the most common type of offences for inmates, with 24,273 cases (38.8%). Follows robbery (18,064 cases, equal to 28.9%) and theft (13,531, 21.6%).

For information
Socio-demographic and Environmental Statistics Directorate
Franco Turetta
tel. 06.4673 7221

Maria Giuseppina Muratore
phl. +39 06 4673.7453