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Pensions and pensioners

In 2012 pension expenditure reached 270,720 million euros. At the regional level the impact on GDP reached the maximum value in Calabria (21.83%) and the minimum (11.24%) in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

The pension expenditure per capita reached its maximum (6,051 euro) in Liguria, while the minimum value (3,275 euro), is observed in Campania (this is also due to the different age structure of the population).

The highest share of expenditure (30.0%) was provided in the North-West, while values ​​close to 20% were observed in the Centre (21.3%), in the North-East (20.3%) and in the South and Islands area (18.6%). 9.1% was paid to pensioners in the Islands and the remaining 0.6% to those living abroad.

Compared to 2011, the total pension expenditure increased by 1.8%. The increase was higher in the South (2.2%), while a significant contrast is observed abroad (0.3%).

Pensioners in Lazio benefited of the highest annual pension income (19,163 euro), 40% higher than that of Basilicata pensioners (13,858 euro), the lowest among the Italian regions.

More than half of Islands pensioners (51.4%) and Southern pensioners (50.9%) received a monthly pension income under  1,000 euro, while 1.9% beneficiaries in the Centre area, and 1.4% of those in the North-West area, received pensions exceeding 5,000 euro. This evidence is also associated with the incidence of different types of pension schemes in the area.

In North-West area, indeed, old-age pensions accounted for 59.9% of total expenditure, while welfare pensions covered only 13.0%. A reverse situation was observed in the Islands, where the incidence was 27.7%  for welfare pensions expenditure and 40.0% for the old age one.

The highest value of the ratio of pensioners to employees was observed in Calabria: 90.1 pensioners for every 100 employees. The lowest value was observed in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (51.9).

In the Islands area the incidence of pensions to former workers in the public sector was 15.0%; lower values ​​were observed in the other areas, with the lowest in the North-West (9,6%).