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Urban Water Census 2012

This report describes the main results of the 2013 edition of the Urban Water Census, with data related to 2012.

Since 1951 Istat has periodically collected information on water resources for domestic use through a specific census, with the aim of describing the state of urban water services in Italy. The respondent units are all management companies operating in Italy in the urban water services.

The survey contents have been progressively up-to-date by considering both the European directives on Water resources and the increasing enquiry of information from public institutions and private stakeholders.

In the 2012 edition a web questionnaire with a customized compilation has been developed through an in-house software. This type of data-capture has limited the statistical burden on the respondents and provided an higher quality of data gathered.

For more details please refer to the Italian version.

For information
State of the environment

Stefano Tersigni
ph. +39 06 4673.4348

Simona Ramberti
ph. +39 06 4673.4322

Giovanna Tagliacozzo
ph. +39 06 4673.4586