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Review of official statistics

The international journal edited and published by the Italian National Institute of Statistics-Istat

The Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of official statistics (p-ISSN 1828-1982; e-ISSN 1972-4829)   is a four-monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published in English by the Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat and freely available online as open access.

The Rivista endorses the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE, as precisely detailed in the Code of Ethics.

Each article undergoes a rigorous evaluation process by experts of the content covered, through a double-anonymised approach.

The Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of official statistics (p-ISSN 1828-1982; e-ISSN 1972-4829) is now over 30 years old: it was first launched in 1992 as a series of monographs entitled “Quaderni di Ricerca Istat”.

In 1999, the series was entrusted to an external publisher, changed its name to “Quaderni di Ricerca – Rivista di Statistica Ufficiale” and started being published on a four-monthly basis.

Starting with issue 1/2006, when the National Institute of Statistics-Istat resumed as its publisher, the current name – Rivista di Statistica ufficiale – was formally registered at the Court of Rome, Italy (N. 339/2007 of 19 July 2007).

Over time, the governance of the Rivista has been strengthened and, since the publication of N. 3/2016, it has been supported by an Editorial Board composed of 36 internal representatives, and a Scientific Committee, chaired by the President of Istat, formed of 25 external experts, leading representatives of the academic and research world, and 4 internal members.

The members of both Committees represent the various research areas in statistics and are focussed on achieving the goals of official statistics: methodology and information processing systems; economics and economic policies; demography, society, and territory; epidemiology; institutional and organisational aspects related to the performance of the statistical system.

The Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of Official Statistics represents an area of debate and comparison open to the publication of contributions by scholars, researchers, and technologists from scientific and research entities, national, European, and international statistical institutions, and Universities.

Each issue can be organised as a miscellany of more cross-sectional scientific works and monothematic papers.

The Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of official statistics aims at promoting synergies and exchanges among researchers, stakeholders, policy-makers, and other users who refer to official and public statistics at different levels, in order to improve data quality and enhance trust.

The Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of official statistics publishes peer-reviewed articles (i.e. submitted to a careful evaluation process by at least two content experts, through a double-anonymised approach) dealing with cross-sectional topics:

  • measurement and analysis of social, demographic, economic, territorial, and environmental issues;
  • development of information systems and indicators for decision support;
  • methodological, technological, and institutional issues along with innovations related to the production process of statistical information, and relevant to achieving official statistics purposes.

The Code of Ethics (updated as of 31 January 2023) of the Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of Official Statistics endorses and follows the current guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.

When checking and evaluating the publication proposals received, the Rivista may use plagiarism detection software as well as other tools and, if necessary, it shall follow and apply the relevant COPE guidelines.

The Rivista is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in its published content.

Article proposals for possible publication shall be emailed to, together with the affiliation note duly filled in and signed.

The papers are carefully examined (for possible desk rejection), then archived in the internal management system of the Rivista di statistica ufficiale/Review of Official Statistics. Based on a functional access permission structure, this guarantees sharing, transparency and quality, security, and timeliness in the processing of collected data.

Within this system, all article proposals are duly anonymised and then assigned to referees who are experts in the content covered.

Submissions shall be drafted in strict accordance with the adopted guidelines and standards.

  • Download the guide to article drafting in word format (recommended option)
  • Download the guide (zip) to article drafting in LaTek

The referees (at least two per article) are selected outside the Rivista’s editorial staff, from among the experts on the topics covered in the proposals received: they accept the task on a voluntary basis and completely free of charge, and become part of the Expert Referee Network of the Italian National Institute of Statistics-Istat.

The evaluation process is based on a double-anonymised approach and consists of several steps.

During the first phase, the referees shall fill in the relevant section of the evaluation form (facsimile) and return it in a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 5 weeks.

Communications with the Author(s) are managed at the Editorial Board level, starting here and continuing until final publication, should the whole process be successful.

Editor in Chief
Patrizia Cacioli. Professional journalist experienced in statistical dissemination and communication, Italy

Gian Carlo Blangiardo. Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat and Università degli studi Milano Bicocca, Italy


Corrado Bonifazi. Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies – IRPPS-CNR, Italy
Vittoria Buratta. Independent expert in demographic and social statistics, Italy
Ray Chambers. University of Wollongong – UOW, New South Wales, Australia
Francesco Maria Chelli. Marche Polytechnic University, Italy
Daniela Cocchi. University of Bologna, Italy
Giovanni Corrao. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Sandro Cruciani. Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat, Italy
Luca De Benedictis. University of Macerata, Italy
Gustavo De Santis. University of Florence, Italy
Luigi Fabbris. University of Padua, Italy
Piero Demetrio Falorsi. Independent expert in statistical methods, Italy
Patrizia Farina. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Maurizio Franzini. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Saverio Gazzelloni. Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat, Italy
Giorgia Giovannetti. University of Florence, Italy
Maurizio Lenzerini. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Vincenzo Lo Moro. Independent expert in organisational models for official statistics, Italy
Stefano Menghinello. Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat, Italy
Roberto Monducci. Expert in economic statistics at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies– Pisa, Italy
Gian Paolo Oneto. Independent expert in economic statistics, Italy
Roberta Pace. University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Alessandra Petrucci. University of Florence, Italy
Monica Pratesi. Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat and University of Pisa, Italy
Michele Raitano. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Maria Giovanna Ranalli. University of Perugia, Italy
Aldo Rosano. National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies – INAPP, Italy
Laura Terzera. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Li-Chun Zhang. University of Southampton, United Kingdom; Statistics Norway, Norway

Editor in Chief
Patrizia Cacioli. Professional journalist experienced in statistical dissemination and communication, Italy

Nadia Mignolli

Members (from the Italian National Institute of Statistics–Istat, Italy):
Ciro Baldi
Patrizia Balzano (formerly Istat)
Federico Benassi
Giancarlo Bruno
Tania Cappadozzi
Anna Maria Cecchini
Annalisa Cicerchia
Patrizia Collesi
Roberto Colotti
Stefano Costa
Valeria De Martino
Roberta De Santis
Alessandro Faramondi
Francesca Ferrante
Maria Teresa Fiocca
Romina Fraboni
Luisa Franconi
Antonella Guarneri
Anita Guelfi
Fabio Lipizzi
Filippo Moauro
Filippo Oropallo
Alessandro Pallara (formerly Istat)
Laura Peci
Federica Pintaldi
Maria Rosaria Prisco
Francesca Scambia
Mauro Scanu
Isabella Siciliani
Marina Signore (formerly Istat)
Francesca Tiero
Angelica Tudini
Francesca Vannucchi
Claudio Vicarelli
Anna Villa

Review official statistics

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Planning a survey on gender-based violence

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Read Planning a survey on gender-based violence
09 January 2024 Publication

Census population counting at sub-municipal level as at 31 December 2019: first experimentation in 25 Italian municipalities

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Monitoring and Evaluating the Quality of the Integrated System of Registers

The bases laid for such a system aimed at integrating information from administrative sources with data from direct surveys
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14 November 2023 Publication

Workshop on Methodologies for Official Statistics – Proceedings

Proceedings of the first Workshop on methodologies for official statistics, hosted by Istat on 5-6 December 2022
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You can contact the Editorial Board or submit article proposals by writing to:

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Unless otherwise stated, content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons License – Attribution – 3.0.

Data and analysis from the Italian National Institute of Statistics can be copied, distributed, transmitted and freely adapted, even for commercial purposes, provided that the source is acknowledged.

No permission is necessary to hyperlink to pages on this website.

Images, logos (including Istat logo), trademarks and other content owned by third parties belong to their respective owners and cannot be reproduced without their consent.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Italian National Institute of Statistics – Istat.

The Scientific Committee, the Editorial Board and the authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers (at least two for each article, on a voluntary basis and free of charge, with a double-anonymised approach) for their comments and suggestions, which enhanced the quality of this issue of the Rivista di statistica ufficiale.