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ISLP Poster Competition 2012−2013

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As for the previous edition, Istat and the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) sponsor the 2012-2013 ISLP Poster Competition. The competition is organized by the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) under the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE).

The initiative aims to increase awareness of statistics among students and teachers throughout the world and to promote statistical literacy resources

The competition is to create a statistical poster on “agriculture” and is open to students grouped in teams. Registration forms are filled in and sent to ISLP2012@istat.it  within 14 december 2012.

Posters must be submitted to the said email address within and not later than 22 February 2013.

National winners will be awarded at World Statistics Congress to be held in Hong Kong, China in August 2013.

The rules of the contest, the guidelines for the creation of statistical posters and information for teachers are available in various languages (also in Italian) on the website of the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP)

For further information, please contact ISLP2012@istat.it

Data di pubblicazione: 04 ottobre 2012