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Environmental goods and services accounts: time series updated

On the 19th of January 2023 Istat releases the time series on the supply of environmental goods and services (2014-2020) on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts’ sub-theme.

The time series released are consistent with the update and revision of input data concerning years 2014-2020 for the environmental goods and services sector account (EGSS).

The environmental goods and services sector account, also known as ecoindustries’ account, measures output, value added, exports and employment related to the supply of environmental products, i.e. goods and services that fulfill (or whose use fulfills) the purpose of prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and any other environmental degradation (environmental protection) or preservation, maintenance and enhancement of natural resources (resource management).

For the first time, the Institute provides estimates on production, value added and employment in ecoindustries for all the sectors of the economy for  the years 2018-2020. The series include estimates concerning the market sector, released also in detail, non market operators (General Government and non profit institutions serving households) and own-account activities carried out by all the operators for re-use in the production process (i.e. recovery of materials to be re-used) or for own-consumption (i.e. solar energy produced and consumed by households).

Data derived from ecoindustries’ account, calculated on the basis of European standards for monetary environmental accounts, are consistent with national accounts concepts and principles (ESA 2010) and can be directly compared with macroeconomic aggregates, namely GDP, output, exports, employment.


For information:

Final demand, labour and capital input, environmental accounts Division

Federica Battellini
tel. 06 4673.3149

Angelica Tudini
tel. 06 4673.3136