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Consumer and business confidence

In April 2021, the consumer confidence index increased from 100.9 to 102.3. The improvement in confidence was spread across all its components. More specifically, the economic climate bettered from 90.2 to 91.6, the personal one from 104.5 to 105.9, the current one from 96.7 to 97.4 and, finally, the future one from 107.1 to 109.6.

As for the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) grew from 94.2 to 97.3.

The confidence index in manufacturing further extended its upward path rising from 101.9 to 105.4. Both the assessments on order book current trend and the expectations on future production developments improved (the balances increased from -13.2 to -6.6 and 5.4 to 8.3, respectively). Finally, according to the surveyed firms, the de-stocking continued: the related balance decreased, in fact, from 1.6 to 1.1.

The confidence index in construction went up from 147.9 to 148.5. Looking at its components, the assessments on order books/construction plans continued to get better while the employment expectations worsened (the balances of the variables went from -11.9 to -9.2, the former and from 7.2 to 5.5, the latter).

The market services confidence index got on from 85.4 to 87.1. Particularly, respondents gave a less favourable assessments both on the order books and on the business trend (the balances of the variables diminished from -14.1 to -16.1 and from -12.0 to -13.4, respectivelly), but, on the contrary, they improved their prospects on future order books. The balance of the variable went up from -8.2 to 0.3.

The retail trade confidence index increased from 91.2 to 95.8. Compared to the previous month, respondents slightly worsened their assessments on the current business activity but they significally improved their expectations on the sale future volume (the balances of these variables varied from -12.4 to -12.7 and from 1.3 to 17.8, respectively). To conclude, firms indicated a restocking of inventories (the related balance rose from 9.0 to 11.1). The improvement in confidence characterized both distribution channels. The index improved from 95.8 to 101.2 in the large scale distribution and from 81.8 to 82.7 in the small and medium scale one.