QUestionnaire Evaluation STandard (QUEST)

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4-5 April 9.30-16.30;
6 April 9.30-12.30
Aula magna – via Cesare Balbo, 14

By invitation only

The QUEST workshop takes place every two years, starting from 1997 when the Quest network was established. This year, for the first time, Istat will host the workshop which will be held from 4th to 6th April in Aula Magna-Via Cesare Balbo 14.

The QUEST workshops usually convene survey methodologists who work on question design and pre-testing and who are representatives of the National Statistical Institutes and other affiliated institutions (such as the Center for Survey Research/University of Massachusetts Boston, and WESTAT in the USA; the NatCent Social Research in UK, the GESIS-Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences in Germany).

The workshop, whose attendance is restricted to members of the QUEST network, is an important opportunity to address the main methodological aspects of question and questionnaire validation. During the three-day event, survey methodologists and researchers will present their most recent studies and projects in this field.

The discussion will focus on various topics such as Design and Evaluation of Questionnaires for mixed-mode surveys and for multicultural/cross-national and multilingual setting, Mixing and Matching Pre-testing methods, Pre-testing approaches for questionnaires in the Digital Era, Testing the reliability and validity of questions and Pre-testing with specific populations.

An open discussion on some management and organizational issues related to the pre-testing activities will close the workshop.

For any further information on the QUEST network and previous workshops, please visit the Quest website.

All presentations will be posted on this website after the workshop.


Tag: id:198206

Data di pubblicazione: 06 aprile 2017