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Citizens, enterprises and ICT

To provide an integrated interpretation on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for citizens and businesses, Istat jointly disseminates the results of the two surveys. Furthermore, for the first time, estimates are available for employment in ICT professions. The statistical information presented are estimates based on sample surveys (Methodological note in Italian only).

In 2016 the estimated share of households accessing the Internet through broadband, with a preference for a fixed connection (ADSL, optical fibre, etc.) rises to 67.4 % from 64.4% in 2015. On the other hand, the share of companies with at least 10 employees using the Internet is stable at about 95%, while those connecting through the mobile broadband passes from 63.3 to 63.8% (60.0% in 2014).

63.2% of the persons aged 6 and over were connected to the Web during the last 12 months (60.2% in 2015), while around 45% surf it every day. Age continues to be the main discriminating factor in the use of the internet: young people use it at the most (more than 91% of 15-24 year-olds) but the growth is significant among the 60-64- -year-olds (45.9% to 52.2%) as well.

Among the persons who used the internet in the last 3 months, 85.8% enjoyed cultural content, 57.8% used a social network and almost one third published their own web content.

It is estimated that 71.3% of businesses with 10 or more employees have their own website or Internet pages (70.7% in 2015). Almost three out of ten enterprises have a link to their website on social profile while 39.2% use social media (37.3% in 2015). Only 15.6% use more than one social media.

Most of the users stated that they have basic (35.1%) or low (33.3%) digital skills. Digital skills are limited in enterprises as well: only 12.4% of companies with at least 10 employees choose to perform ICT duties mostly with internal staff while 61.9% used external staff.

In a year, Internet users who shop online rose from 48.7 to 50.5%. Among those who did not shop over the last 3 months, 40.9% looked for information on goods or services and/or goods sold online.