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The Daily Life

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The Time Use Survey measures the amount of time people spend performing various daily activities on an average day of the year. In 2014 the average day of the population in Italy was as follows: 48.7% of 24 hours was dedicated to personal care (sleeping, eating and other care), 8.8% to paid work, 3.6 % to study, 12.6% to household work, 21% to free time and 5.2% to travel. Compared to 2002-2003 the main changes related to the decrease in time spent in paid work and the growth of free time.

In the last decade  the share of young people aged 15-24 years who studied grew, while the share of those who worked decreased. The percentage of young people aged 15-24 involved on an average day in training activities rose from 44.7% in 2003 to 54.5% in 2014, while only 13.5% in paid work (it was 22 %). Young people aged 15-24 earned 23′ per day to free time (from 5h10’ to 5h33’).

In the female population it was confirmed, from childhood on, more household work and less free time than their peers. The difference began to emerge between 11 and 14 years (+13′ for girls dedicated to household work than their peers), up to 59′ between 15 and 24 years. Household work at the expense of free time: 53′ less for girls aged 15-24 compared to boys.

For information
Tania Cappadozzi
mail: cappadoz@istat.it
Ph. 06 4673 7578

Manuela Michelini
Mail: mamichel@istat.it
Ph. 06 4673 7576


Periodo di riferimento: Year 2014

Data di pubblicazione: 23 novembre 2016
