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Migratory movement of resident population

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Istat has made available the main data on resident population mobility from 1999 to 2007, regarding both internal and international movements.

In 2007 almost 1,380,000 changes of residence between Italian municipalities were recorded, a higher number than the previous year (+0.8%) and 2005 (+4.4%).

Most of the movements recorded in 2007 were between municipalities within the same province (853,000, or 61.8%), followed by inter-regional movements (334,000, or 24.2%) and movements between different provinces within the same region (193,000, or 14.0%).

The net foreign migration balance was particularly high in 2007 (+476,000 units) as a result of the substantial increase in newly registered residents (88.5%), mainly accounted for by a sizeable inflow of Romanian citizens (over 261,000).

Periodo di riferimento: Years 1999 - 2007

Data di pubblicazione: 09 aprile 2010
